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Serious routes for active tourists. There are four new ecotrails marked in Kyrgyzstan

Convenient navigation and marking appeared on four new ecotrails in Kyrgyzstan . All of those routs are very popular with tourists and have different levels of difficulty.

Two paths will submit only to prepared lovers of mountain walks. These are, first of all, the routes of the upper Ala-Archi - on the glacier Golubin and on the Great Ala-Archin glacier. They are long, with a large difference in height, transitions through the tributaries of rivers, and in the cold season are difficult to pass due to icing, abundant precipitation (snow layer can reach 1-2 meters) and extreme temperatures.

"It was the most difficult installation of all: a hiking route of more than 30 kilometers, variable precipitation, rainfall, dirt under your feet, slippery wet stones, river crossing and other "joys". We put up a stand with detailed information and six signs. The path was tagged with paint," said project manager Denis Budylo.

Another difficult path - to Zelenkova peak (3801 meters). The route is 8 km long - increased complexity, it requires good preparation and equipment. On the road - the peak Besh-Alchalu-Tash (3305 meters) (five round as plum stones) - relatively simple and accessible to most of the peak, where you can train for further climbs. It’s five and a half kilometers away.

There are signs on the path to the Kol-Tor gorge. There is a popular tourist lake of the same name beautiful turquoise color, which changes shades depending on the season and lighting. The route to the lake is five kilometers long, with an average lift time of three hours.

The trail is marked in the popular gorge of Kegety 90 kilometers from Bishkek, where there are 4 waterfalls. All of them are marked on signs. Two stands with detailed information, three main signs and three plates for bicycle tourists were installed in the gorge.

Recall, the Tourism Development Support Fund marked more than 20 trails in different tourist destinations.

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